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Michelstadt, Hesse, Germany



Wir sind diejenigen, die eure Kunden verstehen und eure Chancen erkennen. Die im Chaos Klarheit schaffen und mit mutigen Ideen Veränderung anstoßen. Wir visua­lisieren Ziele und gehen mit euch die volle Strecke. Nicht irgendeine Agentur, sondern die Crew an deiner Seite.

Welcome to the journey...

ONEDOT ist eine Werbe- und Kommunikationsagentur, die unter dem Motto "Your Experience Agency" für Unternehmen verschiedener Branchen konzeptionelle und digitale Lösungen mit dem Ziel kundenzentrierter Markenkommunikation entwickelt und diese in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Kund*innen betreut. An den Standorten Michelstadt im Odenwald, Leipzig, Sofia und Da Nang sind derzeit etwa 50 Mitarbeitende beschäftigt, deren Arbeit sich in die Fachbereiche Strategie, Consulting, Design, Text und technische Entwicklung aufgliedert. Projekte werden in interdisziplinären Gruppen bearbeitet und in Form von digitalen Produkten oder kommunikativen Maßnahmen realisiert. In Workshops werden Lösungen auch unter direkter Beteiligung der Kund*innen gemeinsam erarbeitet. Zu den von ONEDOT betreuten Unternehmen zählen Anbieter im Onlinehandel, mittelständische Eigenmarken sowie auch Konzerne auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene.

Tamaño del negocio del cliente
Budget per project
$5,000 - $25,000+
Project duration
  • 1-3 months
  • 3-6 months
  • More than 6 months
Foco geográfico
  • Germany
  • Inglés
  • Alemán
  • Italiano


valoración media basada en las opiniones de Google
Jonas Kelben
Dec 7, 2023

We have been working with ONEDOT for a few months now and are extremely satisfied. Very structured and fast project management by Doro, uncomplicated communication, and above all very, very nice results. With a new corporate design (thanks, Johannes ;) ) and website, we are now looking forward to further collaboration!

Bianca Meisteren
Jan 17, 2023

As an innovative company, we need an advertising and marketing agency that responds to our wishes. The ONEDOT team gave us fantastic support and together we mastered our rebranding and new website. With our rebranding, we have cut off all the old habits and are getting started with a new company name and a logo that suits us much better. We are definitely not an easy customer for a design agency because we already had precise ideas. Everything was implemented perfectly together with ONEDOT, from the target group analysis, workshops, corporate design to the website relaunch. We look forward to many new projects together and would like to thank the entire team. Many greetings from the Servomold team to the ONEDOT team.

Marc Svojanovskyen
Dec 19, 2023

As a start-up for premium golf fashion, artes motus focuses on well-thought-out designs with innovative functions to improve performance on the course. As a partner of the D2C brand, OneDot is responsible for the entire digital brand and user experience as well as the design and construction of the e-commerce platform, which went live in December 2023. The collaboration with the entire OneDot team, from design to technical implementation to project management, is very good and more than recommended. We at artes motus are already looking forward to further projects with OneDot.

B. M.en
Oct 30, 2023

We have now been working with Roman from One Dot for the second month and are overjoyed to have made the decision! We were really desperate but then Roman came and really pushed us up with his knowledge. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this professional work and of course we look forward to further collaboration A 100% recommendation from us Thanks so much Best regards

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