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Keyword Magic Tool
What is Click Potential?

What is Click Potential?

The Click Potential metric within the Keyword Strategy Builder is the predicted chance of getting a click through to your website if your result occupied the top position of the SERP. This metric is measured from 0 to 100, and the higher it is, the more likely users will follow the link to your website if it ranks for a target keyword on Google. A keyword's Click Potential score can be impacted by the presence of SERP Features that would hinder searchers from clicking on an organic website results. Different SERP Features on the page will have a different effect on that keyword's Click Potential.

For example, a keyword with a News block on the results page will have a higher Click Potential than a keyword with an Instant Answer because, with the News block, you have more than one potential opportunity for a click. With an Instant Answer, Google provides you with information directly on the SERP and the rest of the results will suffer a less-than-average click-through rate.

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